Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nelson Birth

I have been going back over old photographs trying to clean up my files for the year and ran into these photographs.  I think my intention was to never blog about this session, but after looking at them again I just fell in love with the pictures and called Nelson's mom for permission to blog them.  Having 4 adopted children, I have never seen a baby being born or right after birth so this was a special experience for me.  This was a c-section and there were too many people crowded around the mother to see any part of the procedure, so the pictures start right after removing Nelson from her stomach and passing him off to a nurse.  Warning - these are not the pretty pictures you normally see on my blog.

8 pound, 10 ounce healthy baby boy

first picture with mom

he is just precious

At some point in the next few pictures, I can't tell when now -  he was transported to the baby nursery for initial monitoring.  I was not allowed in the nursery so some of these pictures are taken through the window and then at some point I sent my camera in with instructions to just take pictures of everything.  If you had a picture of me, I would be standing at the window gesturing to just take more pictures.  They could not get his oxygen levels to an acceptable level, so after a few hours he was sent to the NICU for a day and a half.

mom holding Nelson for the first time

I returned to the hospital two days later after he was out of the NICU to get some more pictures and have photographed him every month since to make an album of his first year, so stayed tuned for more of Nelson.

1 comment:

  1. What a precious treasure for him and his mom (and his proud auntie:)! Love the black and white. Beautiful
